Step One: Establishing your brand
Branding is definitely less mysterious when you realize that as a business owner, it really is all about becoming known for your specialty and for how people perceive you as a person, product or service.
Watch this quick 5 min video, then answer the questions below.
Instantly it becomes obvious that consistency will be the key in setting your brand. You need to always provide the same answers to these questions:
• What do your clients think of, when they…
o See your photo?
o Hear or read your name?
o See your logo?
o See the colors and graphic elements associated with your website and products?
o See your name/coaching title in their email inbox Subject Line?
o See a product or new blog post announcement?
FREE webinar - to Boost Your Brand!

Discover the "Top 5 Mistakes most Women make Trying to D.I.Y. their Brand - and what to do Instead".
• What emotion do they feel?
o Pleasure?
o Anticipation?
o Relief?
o Annoyance?
o Boredom?
• What words naturally recur, when people describe you or compliment you?
o Reliable
o Upbeat
o Inspiring
o Trustworthy
o Rock-solid
o Whiny
o Erratic
o Uncaring
Don’t just skim through the previous lists: Stop and really think about how people react to you:
• On social networks
• In blog comments
• In forums you run/belong to
• As email feedback
FREE webinar - to Boost Your Brand!

Discover the "Top 5 Mistakes most Women make Trying to D.I.Y. their Brand - and what to do Instead".
Above all, answer this question for yourself “what do my clients really want and need from me?” Then set up all of your branding to consistently provide this.
Be generous. Become known for your specialty 🙂
Nice to hear about your journey- your past and especially nice to see your personality. When I first created my business, i did not know the difference between marketing and branding. Now I do and continually work on both.
Great video Kymlee! Branding is so important and I’m finding it takes a while to really nail it down. These questions are very helpful!
Great story. And YES branding is so important. You want to create that name, that image so your product or service is not only recognized or remembered of but also thought of in a positive light.
Excellent points and advice for establishing your brand.
When I started my first business over 10 years ago, I had no knowledge of branding. I knew what I wanted for my logo, website, etc., but as you know, that isn’t the sum total of a brand. However, I’ve been fortunate enough to work with mentors who helped me to develop my brand — which, is constantly evolving as I do.
Inspired by your story, you go-getter! This is definitely your calling, as your personal brand shines through your video. Great tips!
I am sitting at the doctor’s office so I unfortunately couldn’t watch the video but I completely agree with your insight on finding a brand strategy of knowing who you are and really being consistent.
Great post.
Branding is sooooo much more than a logo. And while you want people to instantly identify you with your company and vice versa, it definitely is a constant work in progress, evolving and changing with the times.
I REALLY like that you’ve added a video to your blog.
It speaks to the deeper emotions around branding that you talk about.
You’re walking your talk!
Excellent questions and points to ponder. It might even be a good idea to ask trusted advisers these questions — “trusted” as in knowing they support you and will give you honest feedback. I should print out this list!
Awwwww you’re adorable, so pretty too AND a fellow starbucks lover 🙂
Thanks for a great video and post. Useful things to think about.
Good questions to ponder. My business is new, and I’m working to establish myself, and these points are good guidance. Thanks!
Great ideas for figuring out what you want to do when deciding on what branding to use. Branding is so important!
Thanks for these great tips! It’s important to know what your clients want so you could cater accordingly. You’re right, branding is very important and must be done the right way as you market your product/company.
How creative! Love this post! Thanks for the tips.
Indeed, a brand is important! Talking favourably about a brand to anyone will greatly help generate awareness of the kind of brand, as well as influence purchase intent.