Marketing tagged posts

Effective Tactics Every Business Should Implement

Category: BeeHive Blog

Do you remember your first day as a business owner?  You were probably just like the rest of us… excited and nervous bundled in one.


Starting a business is a beautiful journey, and the lessons we learn along the way equip us to handle more of life’s surprises.  One of the best things we can do is learn from other entrepreneurs.  Scenarios just like these will apply to every market – regardless of the product or service.

1.  Create  a Special Offer
A special offer is exactly that… an offer that is special.  Normally, customers would not be able to purchase this product or combination of products, and once the products are gone… sorry!

You don’t have to go out and order or create new products to put together a special offer.  It doesn’t take a whole lot… just use what you have...

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2 Sure-Fire Methods Proven To Convert More Customers

Category: BeeHive Blog

If you’re a marketer your number one concern is customers.  You’ve probably read and heard a million and one ideas about how to build relationships, retain customers, create a list of potential customers, and inspire customer loyalty.


The tough question is, “How do I convert prospects into customers?”

There are a lot of people out there who see your ads, think about them, and maybe even say, “I want this…”  They’re just waiting to be convinced to to do something about it.  There is something you can do to get them moving!

1.  Improve Your Offer
No on can pass up the deal that’s “too good to resist...

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